About GIS Mapping Solutions
Services offered at GIS Mapping Solutions include administration, production, and creative services to ensure a well-rounded information block is displayed when each pin is clicked on your dedicated custom map. We offer multimedia skills for GIS Mapping that can also be applied to other areas of promoting your business or pursuits.
Since most clients have many marketing tools ready to go along with a database, we work out what you have and what you need and go from there to produce an effective and complete Geographic Information System Map. We are happy to fill in the gaps and create or tweak any elements before linking or publishing them.
Below are the areas in which GIS Mapping Solutions can help:
– building databases including contact interaction
– maintenance and hygiene for existing databases
– online profiles
– copywriting – short format
– graphics, including entire branding packages
– sourcing or producing photographic, including photo retouching
– sourcing or producing video and audio and audio elements
– reports, charts, and graphs
Years of experience in the fields of advertising and communications are behind choosing images and words used to represent you. For samples of web and graphic design, photography, audio/video editing, and copywriting visit www.illuminate-media-communications.com. Design elements are produced with your entire branding package to work with other media and aspects of your advertising campaign.
If you don’t already have a YouTube Site or other online video site, we’ll create one for you, along with Facebook and Pinterest Pages, etc. We make the web and social media updates, blogs, announcements, etc. that you require to help your custom fusion map convey all the elements you need.
If you do have your databases in good shape and are able to provide many of the elements yourself, then setting up a GIS Map for you will be quick work and priced appropriately. Using this platform can be an invaluable service that can be easily used to share your message or service.